Putting Web Pages on the SBAMUG Site

This How to…is a summary of the steps that were used to create my new Web Site. There is neat tutorial at http://www.ehow.com/ When you get to the eHOW web site, navigate until you find the page to upload (or click here). There are a lot of related tutorials here. I used Freeway LE which is a piece of the Apple Web Page Construction Kit.

The How to… also shows the use of Fetch to upload the pages.

The first step is to plan the site. That is, decide what the site is supposed to do, who is the target audience (family , customers, prospects, etc.). The next step is to plan the page layouts and content. Then assemble the content - the page paragraph text, graphics, and other stuff.

Now, you can construct the pages. I used Appleworks to layout the pages and make modifications. Appleworks can be used to convert these pages into HTML documents. Please note that the first page that you want the viewer to see should have the name index.html. This will allow a visitor to get to your site without knowing the exact name of the page.

You can cut and paste the page contents into a web editing program such as Netscape Composer, Microsoft Front Page, or Freeway. I used Freeway

Then you should view the pages in the browser of your choice, make corrections, and save the corrected pages.

Now you are set to begin the uploading process. For SBAMUG members, fill out the form on our web page to have a web page assigned to you.

The email that is returned will show you your Website URL, password, FTP server, and path.

Find the pages that you want to upload (for ease of navigation, I kept them in a separate folder). Using Freeway, you “Publish” the pages and the click on “Upload.” The program then asks you to enter the Website URL, password, FTP server, and path. This is pretty painless.

To use Fetch:
To start, choose the New Connection... command from the File menu. Enter the four pieces of information in the four text fields, and press OK.

If everything goes well you will see a list of the files in your web directory.

Once you are connected, choose the Put Folders and Files... command from the Remote menu to upload your web page files. If all of the files are in one folder, you can navigate to that folder and use the Add All button to add them to the list of items to be uploaded. Otherwise you can choose them one by one. You can also add folders to the list of items to be uploaded.

Next you will be asked what formats to use for the transfer. You want to choose “Text” as the format for text files, and “Raw Data” as the format for all other files (such as images). Then press OK to begin the transfer.

And now, you get to “Maintain” the site. Remember the earlier part about “…who is the target audience?” The first thing to do is to have a member of this audience look at the site. When I did this, I found that there was all sorts of stuff on the top and bottom of their screens.
OK, redo all of the pages so that they will fit on the screens of the target audience, fix the spelling errors that you missed before, save the revised pages, and upload them to the web site.

Happy Webbing,
