All posts by cheekoh

March 29 Meeting

Mac OS 10.12 by Jim Pernal

The meeting will  start with Beginner’s Q&A at 6:30 PM, followed by the main presentation at 8:00 PM.

We will discuss the latest Mac Operating System Sierra (10.12).  The presentation will include the requirements for using this system, how to upgrade, why you should upgrade, and finally a few of the new features in the system with some demos. One of the new features is Siri on the Mac OS for the first time.

Feb 22 Meeting

Feb 22 Meeting

Wunderlist, by Allison Sheridan

Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Mac Podcast is coming back to SBAMUG, this time to teach us about a free application called Wunderlist. If you’re overwhelmed by the GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology and have more simple needs, Wunderlist may be for you.  She’ll show you how to organize your to dos, set due dates and alarms, share lists with others, assign to dos to others, add attachments and notes, and even sub-tasks to your to dos.  If you haven’t seen Allison speak before, you’re in for a treat. One of her favorite wisecracks is, “I’m not always right, but I’m always entertaining!”  You can find her podcasts at 

Jan 25 Meeting

The main presentation at the Jan 25 meeting is titled iCloud Demystified, to be presented by George Wilde.

iCloud Computing?  What is it?  What can you do with it?

Apple’s current cloud computing and cloud storage service, called iCloud, is a replacement for Apple’s previous MobileMe service. iCloud has well over 700 million current users and consists of many parts – some of which are free and some of which come at a cost. Because iCloud has evolved in multiple directions since the time of MobileMe, you may find that some features you liked previously are still there, perhaps under another name. Also there are many new features – some of which you might like and others that you might hate. You may already be using some of the newer features of the iCloud system without even knowing it. Because you’re a Mac or iOS user you probably can’t avoid using at least some of the iCloud services, so you’ll want to understand the implications of using all of the various iCloud services.

At our upcoming meeting I’ll show you some of the most useful features and help you get started on adding any that you’d like to try. There will be time for your questions as you discover how to use iCloud effectively.

Dec 28 Meeting

The Dec 28 meeting will open with the Beginner’s Q & A at 6:30, followed by our traditional pizza party starting around 7:30. There will be door prizes (Best Buy gift certificates) for those attending the meeting, so make your plans to attend now!

Nov 30 Meeting

Affinity Photo(by Allison Sheridan via Screencastsonline)

Photoshop is a fantastic app, but for some people it’s too powerful (or too complex) and for others, they don’t want to be paying for an app on a subscription basis.
Affinity Photo is a terrific alternative to Photoshop – all for a single one off payment!
There’s so much to cover, Allison will be featuring Affinity Photo in two parts – in this initial episode, she’ll take a look at using the wide range of Apple Photo Extensions provided as part of Affinity Photo.

In a future episode, she’ll take a look at using Affinity Photo as a standalone application

Don’t miss the meeting! See page 2  of the newsletter for details.

Oct 26 Meeting

Apple TV(by Don McAllister via Screencastsonline)

The Apple TV is a digital media player that allows consumers to use an HDTV set to view photos, play music and watch video originating from limited Internet services or a local network. The current version (4th generation) includes a Siri remote and comes with an A8 chip and 32 or 64 GB processor. Don McAllister says: “Apple’s hobby finally makes the mainstream with the launch of the new Apple TV. In this episode, I take you through the setup and explore some of the basic features of the new device.

Don’t miss the meeting! See page 2  of the newsletter for details.

September 28 Meeting

Apple TV(by Don McAllister via Screencastsonline)

The Apple TV is a digital media player that allows consumers to use an HDTV set to view photos, play music and watch video originating from limited Internet services or a local network. The current version (4th generation) includes a Siri remote and comes with an A8 chip and 32 or 64 GB processor. Don McAllister says: “Apple’s hobby finally makes the mainstream with the launch of the new Apple TV. In this episode, I take you through the setup and explore some of the basic features of the new device.”

In addition, we expect that Tom Thorpe will be continuing his series of presentations with a discussion of USB.

Don’t miss the meeting! See page 2  of the newsletter for details.

Aug 31 Meeting


(by Allison Sheridan via Screencastsonline)

Together 3 for the Mac, and Together Mobile for iOS are apps that allow you to collect and organize all your stuff – together! With a multitude of capture and organizational features, Together 3 acts as a repository for many different types of files and documents. With the App Store version, it allows you to store your Together 3 library in iCloud, allowing you to sync it across your Macs and also your iOS devices using Together Mobile. For Evernote users, if you really like the functionality you get from Evernote but the recent fee changes and/or restrictions are more than you can bear, I might have an alternative for you. It’s called Together from Reinvented Software. Together doesn’t work exactly like Evernote, so we’ll go through the features and you can decide if it meets your needs.

July 27 Meeting

Everyone agrees that computer backups are a good idea, but not everyone does them. You have to decide what kind of backup or backups you want to do, which software to use, and what kind of hardware to use for the backups. My presentation will explain the different types of backups—clones, simple data, and versioned data. We’ll look at 3 software apps as well as various types of hardware to use. Hopefully when I am done those who aren’t doing backups will feel comfortable to get started doing them.

                                                                                                                  Joan King

June 29 Meeting

Mac Security

Executive Bio. Nicholas Raba, CEO
Nicholas Raba is the founder of, a website devoted to Macintosh Security. The site launched in 1999 and was founded with the goal of offering security solutions for Mac users at a time when the Mac platform was overlooked by the security industry.

Starting with a simple news site, grew under Nicholas’ guidance to offer reviews, guides, and advisories to protect Mac users. SecureMac expanded its team in 2001 to begin development of Mac-centric security software, and released a beta version of MacScan, its flagship product, the same year that Mac OS X made its debut. Nicholas has written extensively about computer security, with articles appearing in both magazines and books, and often gives speeches at security conferences.

Don’t miss the meeting! See page 2 of our newsletter for details.